Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Harlem’s darkness and hardships

Baldwin’s â€Å"Sonny’s Blues† is a story of the two brothers living in Harlem. Harlem is the place where the two brothers experienced the darkness of the society. This darkness points out racism and drug abuse as one of the major problems experiencing by many African-American in Harlem. Even though racism was felt by the two brothers and drug abuse hunted Sonny, one of the two brothers, they still managed to adopt and survive through the help of each other. At the beginning of the story, the older brother is on his way to work as a schoolteacher.As he travels down the road, he also reads the newspaper and found out that his brother was caught dealing with heroine. Even before, Sonny was suspected by his older brother of using illegal drugs but the older brother does nothing. Before the drug related incident happens, the older brother who is also the narrator of the story always talks about Sonny as being a good brother. He says â€Å"When Sonny was young, his f ace was bright and open†. Sonny’s brother worries about the involvement of Sonny in illegal drugs.Sonny is being dependent on drugs and uses it as a way to escape his problems. This problem makes his brother think of the things he did wrong to make Sonny involved in drug addiction. As a result of that, the brother misinterprets all the acts Sonny is doing. He does not listen to Sonny even if it has to be about the explanation and reasons of why Sonny engaged to drug related activities. Sonny finds himself neglected by his brother. This makes him think that no one could help him but his own self. Realizing this, he diverts his attention to music.This involvement to music makes him finds the relief he is searching for. With the music playing, Sonny is able to escape the problems he is encountering. The improvement of Sonny is hardly noticed by his brother. At first, his involvement to music disappoints his brother not until his brother realizes the changes music has done to Sonny. His brother accepts the truth and realizes that music has done a good job to Sonny’s development. It all happened in the part of the story where his brother is listening to Sonny as he plays the piano.As Sonny plays the piano, his brother feels that Sonny need his guidance and love. The unconditional love by the brother to Sonny was depicted in the story. Listening to the Jazz music played by Sonny, the attitude of the brother towards life, himself and Sonny changes. The estrangement of the two brothers hurt them both. Sonny’s dedication to music and his determination to stay away from any form of illegal drugs move the older brother to change. The love and passion of both brothers are shown in the story.Their fight against the darkness in Harlem made them realize that to win is to accept the weakness of each one of them and to be able to survive is to help each other. As a final point, to be able to survive in a society where you are not the main character, you must learn to adapt and to help others that are also adapting. The challenges of Black American brothers in the time of racism and its fight against illegal drugs can be solve if trust, acceptance and love is within the family ties.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


What is leadership? According to Shockley- Zalabak (2009) Leadership is a process of guiding individuals, groups, and entire organization in establishing goals and sustaining action to support goals. What exactly is meant by leadership? There are literally hundreds of definitions about who a leader is and what is considered as leadership. Each definition may vary from one individual to another and may change from one situation to the other. For example we might call an individual a leader because of the persons’ election to the presidency of an institution.Other times we say he/she is not a leader because he/she does not exhibit leadership behaviors expected of the of a leader. In other words, we expected leadership from the legitimate position of the presidency, but when that president does not exhibit leadership behaviors, we say that the president is not a leader. According to Yukl, (2002). The definition of leadership is arbitrary and very subjective. Some definitions are more useful than others, but there is no â€Å"correct† definition. Leadership theories: Theories are most useful for influencing practice when they suggest new ways in which events and situations can be perceived.Fresh insight may be provided by focusing attention on possible interrelationship that the practice has failed to notice, which can be further explored and tested through empirical research. If the result is a better understanding of practice, the theory –practice gap is significantly reduced for those concerned. (Hughes and Bush, 1991, p. 234). The trait theory This theory first surfaced in the writings of early Greeks and Romans and is prevalent today among those who believe that leadership cannot be developed.This theory assumed that leaders has innate traits that made them effective, great leaders were considered to be born with the ability for leadership, so it is either you have leadership qualities or you don’t . According to Shockley – z alabak (2009) theory of leadership, that leaders possessed innate traits that made them effective; is commonly referred to as the â€Å"great man† theory Leadership traits theory is the idea that people are born with certain character trait or qualities and since traits are associated with proficient leadership, it assumes that if you could identify eople with the correct traits, you will be able to identify leaders and people with leadership potential. It is considered that we are born naturally with traits as part of our personality; this theory in summary believes that leaders are born not made Criticism Researches were done to define traits or personality characteristic that best predict the effective leader. List of about eighty traits or characteristic were gotten but trait approach failed to define clearly a stable set of characteristic associated with effective leadership.Even the concept of what is effective remains open to question. This theory does not prove a comp rehensive explanation to how leaders interact with followers and meet the needs of specific circumstances. While truly others can be born leaders, it is incorrect to generalize by saying that leadership traits are in born and unchangeable. It’s true many of our dispositions and tendencies are influenced by our personalities and the way we are born. However, most people recognized that it is possible for someone to change their character trait for the worse.Someone known for being honest can learn to be deceitful, the whole idea of saying someone was â€Å"corrupted† is based on the fact that people can learn bad traits. If people can learn character traits and become different from the way they were born naturally traits can be learnt as well. A person who is prone to being dishonest can learn to be honest. A person who avoids risks can learn to take risk. It may not be easy, but it can be done. STYLE APPROACHES Leadership style approach focuses its attention on the le aders’ behavior. Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors leaders use as they interact with followers: (Lussier, 2004) Though leadership style is based on leadership skills and leadership traits, leadership behaviors is the important component. This is said to be the third approach to leadership studies, a consistent pattern of behavior is what characterizes a leader. â€Å"In shifting the study of leadership to leaders’ style or behaviors, the style approach expanded the study of leadership to various contexts† (North house, 2004).According to Shockley- Zalabak (2009) style approach or theories attempt to identify and arrange the general approaches leaders use to achieve goals. These approaches are thought to be based or a leader’s assumption about what motivates people to accomplish goals. This theory attempts to identify a range of general approaches leaders use to influence goal achievement. These approaches are theorized t o be based on the leader’s assumption about what motivates people to accomplish goals.Particular approaches also reflect complex relationships among the personal characteristics of the leader. Top among the style theories is the autocratic-to-democratic continuum first proposed by Ralph while and Ronald Lippitt (1960). Autocratic style of leader is a leader who makes decisions with little influence from others Shockley- Zalabak (2009). The leader that exhibits this behavior makes the decisions, gives orders to employees, and is constantly supervising his subordinate. This leader tells others what to do and usually enforces sanctions against those who chose not to comply. He views his followers as essential for goal achievement but usually feels little responsibility for employee needs and relationship Shockley- zalabak (2009). Criticism Research suggests that autocratically led groups produce more in quantity than democratically led groups, but that the quality output is bett er when more democracy is practiced. Generally with autocratic styles the led are not happy so they just do as they are told not because they have the interest of the institution at heart or because they enjoy working.Democratic- Shockley-Zalabak (2009) states that this style of leaders is the one that involves followers in decision making. The leader that exhibits this behavior promotes shared decision, team work, and does not supervise his subordinates closely. He assumes followers are able to participate in decision making, they try to create a climate in which problem solving can take place while preserving interpersonal relationships. It is clear that these leadership styles are opposite’s end of a continuum.As such, it’s easy to think that a leader’s leadership style s follows between those ends. Criticism When a leader is democratic at times his other colleagues in leadership positions can look at him as a weakling and also the subordinates might take adv antage and wants to be disrespectful. Laissez-faire style- Here the leader behaves as non-leader. Individuals and groups are expected to make their own decisions because of a hand-off approach from the leader. The laissez-faire leader is an example of non-leader. This leader expects groups and individuals to make their own decision.He gives information only when ask by group members. Criticism The success of the group depends greatly on the abilities of the group and groups members willingness to work with little or no leadership. If the groups members consist of people that need a push to do things they won’t be able to achieve much. Impoverished management- According to Shockley- Zalabak (2009) this style is characterized by low concern for interpersonal relationships and task accomplishment. This leader makes few attempts to influence people towards task or goals.He dislikes leadership responsibilities and lets others take the responsibility that rightfully belongs to the leader. This leader is usually uncomfortable with leadership and intellectually resists the need for it. Criticism These leaders may be primarily responsible for the failure of the group. Middle- of- the- road management- This is a style of leader who balances task and peoples’ concerns; commonly referred to as compromised leadership or management. The leader negotiates and compromises to achieve workable agreements and directions for action Country club management-This is a style of leaders who emphasizes interpersonal relationship at the expense of goal achievement the leader here wants to be liked and have group followers who feel supported by the leader. He provides an interpersonal relationship bond that is low on task emphasis and high in interpersonal support Criticism He may want a task accomplished but will not take steps to emphasize this element to others, if members are not highly task oriented; he ends up doing their work. Rather than insisting that the employees exhibit high standards of performance. These leaders may not develop the abilities of the people under them.Team leadership: This is the theoretical ideal: team leaders exhibit high concern for both task and interpersonal relationships by emphasizing goal accomplishment while supporting people, it fosters a sense of â€Å"we† with high performance standards. This leadership share decision making and strives for problem solving designed to solve rather than postpone problem, it respects different point of view and value diversity as long as it contributes to the group effort. Criticism Team members who support one another but do not have enough ability or information to work on problems will not be able to produce a high-quality decision.

“Go Home!” Orbit the thrills of Baseball

Baseball – one of the most enticing games aired on television or even watched on an arena (Thomas & Hall, 2004). What could have been the thrills and the grills being offered by such game that it has continuously captured the hearts and the beats of those who have the â€Å"it† on sports? What makes it distinctive from other sport? Why not chose indoor games for efficient viewing and playing? Why do players risk their lives over the sturdiness of the bat and that round piece of hard material? Which is most likely to give them scars and hit them in the most fragile part?And most of all – what’s with going â€Å"home†, that all seem to fasten their seatbelt for every player which takes the run for that square realm (Young, 2007)? The answer is sought between the lines of the art and the adventure of the game mixed with a feeling of hysteria taking the audience to a whole new dimension called ‘adrenalin rush’. Why do we love baseball? It i s quite rigid to put into words the perfect and precise definition of a certain sport which caters almost the entirety of a fan.An individual’s fondness of such sport is considerably taken to be like an addiction which tends to make one forget the atmosphere a person is on to given the fact that according to psychological explanations, an individual’s enthusiasm for a certain material, event or person, creates a stable visual image which apt to trigger the person’s cognitive side making one’s self have the feeling of attachment to the one being idolized (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006).Being a player, and being a member Branch Rickey, a baseball almanac feature icon (Young, 2007), once stated a conducive line with regards to baseball stating that it is only in the field of baseball sphere that a player is able to fulfill its essence of individualism at the initial part, and a team player after playing across the line of the rules as well as with the gameâ€⠄¢s spirit.Further, baseball analysts found the game the sole representation of the simplicity of sports, and that is for a player to only follow the rules. Unlike all the other complicated sport which has been established, baseball is the only sport by which argumentative perspectives are not given credit onto, for the reason that the life of the game lie on the ‘calls’ of the umpire and the guidelines of such (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006).Baseball tools as armors in the game There are four basic tools considered in the game that would be the component of the bat, ball, mitt and the field which requires every player for the familiarity of each item. Considered as an offensive tool, the bat, which is usually made of aluminum or of wood, actually dependent on the certain game, is characterized as a stick particularly with a diameter of 2 inches exception of its handle ranging about 1 inch in length.The ‘runner’s fear’ when inside the field, the ball, us ually in a size like of that of an average man’s fist conceivably colored in white with red stitches (Formosa & Hamburger, 2006). Furthermore, the glove, which is described in modern idiom as that of a baker’s, deemed as a defensive tool which is ended through leather intended for the â€Å"fielders† to catch the ball and â€Å"hit† on home-running opponents. And finally, the filed, the immortal â€Å"diamond† catering four â€Å"bases† or â€Å"plates†, guarded and sought by players.The considered â€Å"guards† of each ‘diamond’ inside the ‘diamond’ are called â€Å"infielders† while those outside the boundaries of the diamond are called â€Å"outfielders† (Thomas & Hall, 2004). Must-know as a player This adrenalin-rushing roller coaster ride game is played by two teams, taking turns as the â€Å"offensive† and â€Å"defensive† party. Each team are to aim for â€Å"runsâ⠂¬ , with 9 or 10 players shifting turns, as they strive to complete counter-clockwise tour in the four bases (Young, 2007).But one must take note of the risk in the mentioned tour, it does not only require one â€Å"mere walking†, there will be â€Å"opponents† whose only goal is to catch the ball â€Å"hit† by the â€Å"batter† and hit it on bases, or either pass on the the â€Å"pitcher†, defined as the â€Å"king of the defensive team†, for the reason that, he must see to it that the ball is aimed to their team’s â€Å"catcher† situated behind the opponent’s â€Å"batter† so as to call for a â€Å"strike†. The dreadful â€Å"strike†, takes a â€Å"batter† get a chance to get a gist for a homerun and thus after 3 â€Å"strikes† shall be considered â€Å"OUT† and won’t be able to make that tour in the diamond.Like all the other sport, there are also certain techniques l aid on the table so as to prevent from getting â€Å"strikes† or getting â€Å"it† by â€Å"fielders†. Modus operandi on baseball A popular technique for offensive players, specifically the batter, is to trick the pitcher from where the bat is lined to, so as to get a full blast of the hit. For fielders, waiting for a run however, since that they are given the chance to leave the â€Å"base† if the ball is released, may trick the opponent to make-believe that they are about to run, thus confuse the fielders on which base to are to settle (Staff, 2005).Regardless of how complicated the web of techniques baseball has to offer, a player only needs to remember one thing, and that is to go for a homerun without getting caught in between. On the contrary, the defensive team, being on the crucial side of the â€Å"inning† may as well send implicit collaborated messages, through the pitcher and the fielders, most especially the catcher, so as to hit the ba ll to the â€Å"active† opponent positioned on the plates. Don’t let the batter go for a tourFive common ways to out an offensive player are as follows: strike-out (3 strikes, so the batter won’t be a runner), ground-out (batter hits the ball, but pitcher gets the ball right after it is hit), force-out (when a runner tries to steal an advance run to the next base and the fielder catches the ball before the runner steps on the plate), fly-out (a fielder catches the ball after it had been hit) and tag-out (fielder touches a runner with a held ball).There are various methods in order to click on the game and win it all actually depends on each player’s wit in playing and team-spirit without selfish credence (Cramer & Stout, 2004; Young, 2007). Conclusion The only effective and practical secret on to winning the game is through following the rules and loving the game.Individual skills are indeed important to reach the height of success, but what takes much in the spirit of the match is not on what one will gain over one’s effort, sometimes, the most important part of it isn’t the victory garnered in fame or in price, but the experience and the moment shared with all the other members who fulfilled the joy of the team (Young, 2007), and most persistently, it’s completing baseball fanatics’ dream of taking an exhilarating fun ride watching their stars making homeruns.So, fasten your seatbelts, prepare your yells, it’s all you need to stay alive while experiencing the thrill of a baseball game. References: Cramer, R. B. , & Stout, G. (2004). The Best American Sports Writing 2004 (Reprint ed. ). New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. Formosa, D. , & Hamburger, P. (2006). Baseball Field Guide: An In-Depth Illustrated Guide to the Complete Rules of Baseball. New York: Thunder's Mouth PressStaff, S. P. I. (2005). The unwritten rules of sports — in writing (Publication. Retrieved July 11, 2007, from seattl epi. com: http://seattlepi. nwsource. com/othersports/207552_unwrittenrules12. html Thomas, K. , & Hall, G. (2004). How Baseball Works. Toronto CA: Maple Tree Press. Young, G. (2007). Baseball Almanac (Publication. Retrieved July 11, 2007, from Hosting 4 Less: http://www. baseball-almanac. com/index. shtml

Monday, July 29, 2019

European Society around 1900 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European Society around 1900 - Essay Example The capacity to explain for the partition of the African continent has been declared an indicator of imperialism theories, and divergent hypothesis have been suggest with immense vehemence. The scale of vehemence produced in the deliberations could be clarified by the verity that numerous key queries are concerned and the diverse responses to the questions inform fundamentally diverse outlooks of historical associations between European and African subjects. The question concerns the link between Africa's partition and the expansion of European capitalism. The debate is viewed as a battle between belief in the existence of relationship between capitalism and partitioning of Africa, and the absence of such a conviction. Another question concerns the nature of partitioning process involved. The question is whether the scramble was a spontaneous unplanned process, or whether it was a deliberate decision by the partitioners. Several reasons are given for the Scramble and partition of Africa by the European colonizers. First, the Europeans seriously needed the raw materials for their industries back in Europe. Some of these raw materials were found in plenty in the African continent and had not been mined by anyone. ... The major European countries involved in the partition of Africa also believed that the holder of biggest colonial domain would be relatively superior to the rival colonialists in power. A common hypothesis given for the French involvement in colonization of Africa was the desire by the French to restore their reputation and pride after losing the Franco-Prussia war (Duignan and Gann 16). Another controversial reason forwarded for the Europeans foray into the African continent is the European obligation to dominate other non-white races. It is suggested that the Europeans believed they had a responsibility to deliver civilization to other "weaker races", by whichever means possible (voluntarily or by coercion). Later in 1899 the British and the French resolved their differences. The British acknowledged the French's Madagascar, while the French recognized the British Nigerian and Zanzibar protectorate. European socio-economic standings went through a major transformation in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The reason for the intense revolution was the extraordinary growth of relations and factors of production, which is generally called Industrial Revolution; although this could appropriately be referred to as the Industrial capitalism breakthrough. This period witnessed a remarkable rise in production capacity and efficiency. Major industrial changes, that had commenced a century prior to the European colonization of Africa, received considerable boost at the onslaught of partition. The cotton industry in Britain is clear illustration of the industries that underwent major expansion at the turn of the century.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HR Management in the Small Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HR Management in the Small Business - Essay Example In both small and large businesses, the major functions of HR management are recruitment, selection, training, and compensation of employees (Longenecker et al., 2011). However, not all-small businesses are able to have a full functioning HR management system that can handle the above-mentioned activities in formal and efficient ways. As a result, small businesses are forced to choose to either run these activities informally or outsource them to another organization. The small businesses due to their size and level of income are in most cases not able to adapt new technologies that have been developing to improve efficiency in managing human resources. One of such technologies is the Human Resource Management System that can provide information necessary for effective decision-making (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). As a result, small business is forced to employ the outdated method of decision making which can be inefficient in our current era. Another reason that makes small business not to use such technologies is that they do not prioritize the management of human resources. Majorities of the small businesses are not able to maintain an HR department with fully qualified HR professionals necessary for effective and formal HR management. In such organizations, the owner of the business or a clerical employee who is employed to do so carries out the HR roles. Moreover, in case of new employees who are hired, the supervisors and managers do the recruiting, selecting and training (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). Due to the limitation in the HR knowledge of the people tasked with HR management mandate in small businesses, it is always found out that in most cases they fail to meet standards required. Some of these HR activities are time consuming and, thus, they largely reduce the time the people assigned to undertake them have to focus on their main role in the business. Most of these small businesses decide to outsource most of their HR activities to another organization. The outsourcing process means that a business contracts or hires another business or organization to undertake certain activities in the business on its behalf (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). The outsourced activities might be recruiting, selecting and training of employees as well as managing its HR records and employees compensations. In such a case, this helps the people involved in running the business to focus mainly on their area of specialization and, thus, makes them to be more efficient in their roles. Furthermore, it enables the business to acquire services of HR specialist in undertaking its HR activities that can result in more efficiency despite their size. The major reason why most of the small business chooses not to have an HR department to handle HR activities and issues is the relatively low interest in human resource management in their different stages of operation (Cornelius, 2001). In most cases, it is very difficult to convince a manager or owner about the fundament al contributions of an HR department in the success of their business. This makes them not to prioritize it and most of them only plan to introduce them when their businesses grow to become large corporate. However, these individuals should be convinced about the role that properly managed human resources can play in resolving their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pfizer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pfizer - Research Paper Example The company was an instant success and by the start of the 20th century, the sales had peaked more than 3 billion dollars (Rodengen, 1999). The drugs of the company reach to almost every country of the world. Currently, the company employs more than 0.1 million people worldwide (Mennen, 2010). During the First World War, the company played an important role in supplying drugs, specially, penicillin for the Allied forces. However, towards the 1940s, penicillin, which was the prime product of the company, became a common drug and its prices went down, therefore, Pfizer decided to search for alternative drugs. During this time, the company decided to maintain a harmony between its manufacturing and research operations. It was during the 1950s and beyond that, the company focused on international expansions quickly moving to attractive markets such as Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Turkey, United Kingdom, and others (Rodengen, 1999). Feldene (piroxicam) became the first medicine of Pfizer, which was able to hit the 1 billion sales mark in the United States. Despite the fact that the company has suffered from four legal claims from the US Department of Justice, which have created fines, which remain largest for any health care company in the United States, the company still appears to be in good financial shape and sufficient liquidity as well (Mennen, 2010). â€Å"Lipitor Lyrica, Celebrex, Norvasc, Viagra, Xalatan/Xalacom, Detrol/Detrol LA, Zyvox, Geodon/Zeldox, Sutent, and Genotropin are the highest revenue generating drugs for the company† (Pfizer, 2011). Currently, Ian Read, who serves as the President and the Chief Executive Officer of the company at the same time, is leading the company. For the last year of 2010, Pfizer has a gross profit margin of 76.81 percent and a net profit margin of 12.56 percent. With more than 7.9 billion shares outstanding, it has a market capitalization of 165.29 billion US dollars (Pfizer, 2011). Currently, as of the last financial r eports of 2010, the company appears to be in good financial shape when the market place is suffering from a financial crunch. Towards the end of the year 2010, the company declared that it would pay a dividend of 20 cent per common stock for the first quarter of 2011 (Msn Money, 2011). This is an 11 percent increase from last year and would be the 289th consecutive dividend payout, which is a manifestation of the company’s commitment with its shareholders and earning them a decent return on their investment (Sander, 2010). Another poof of company’s good financial health is the recent wave of merges and acquisitions, which would definitely improve the industry structure by decreasing the rivalry and making the company an even bigger giant. In January 2009, Pfizer acquired Wyeth, a strong rival for around sixty-eight billion US dollars (Sander, 2010). This remains the second biggest merger in the corporate history and makes Pfizer the largest pharmaceutical company on th e globe. Pfizer also agreed to buy â€Å"King Pharmaceuticals in the fall of 2010 for 3.6 billion US dollars, which is nearly 40 percent premium considering the last share price† (Pfizer, 2011). Pfizer was the only company in the year 2009 to introduce 14 new blockbuster products and according to the reports of 2010,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Critical Analysis - Essay Example 3) and where characters encounter varied challenges due to power play and control. Likewise, there were presence of discreet or imposed relational partners that added drama and provided appropriate applications to interpersonal needs theory of inclusion, control, and intimacy. The mini-series was presented in the form of eight parts and was actually noted to be a sequel to another of Ken Follet’s novel, entitled â€Å"The Pillars of the Earth† (Lloyd, 2012). Due to the length and intricacies of relationships as portrayed by numerous characters, the current discourse would focus on relationships and interpersonal communication applications one of the main characters, Caris. As a wool merchant’s daughter, Caris went through exciting and challenging experiences ranging from witnessing the untimely demise of her mother, who unknowingly was secretly murdered by her aunt, Petranilla. Her interest in treating the sick was enhanced when she became the apprentice of a wom an, Mattie, who practiced alternative medicine. However, since Mattie’s talent apparently jeopardizes the town’s official healer and priest, she was charged with the crime of witchcraft and was sentenced to be hanged in public. Later, Caris suffered the same fate from the hands of her cousin, Godwyn, then Prior; and was just saved in due time by the town’s Prioress who testified that since she was to become a nun, she could not be subjected to the fate of hanging. Therefore, Caris had to sacrifice her love for Merthin until such time that her duty as a nun, eventual Prioress, and healer were all completed. In the process, she became a good healer, and was even assumed the role of a prioress in times when sickness and plague besieged their town. The applications of the interpersonal communication theory or social theory were exhibited in various situations in the series. As noted â€Å"as humans we have a range of social needs that we satisfy by communicating wi th others. The Social Needs theory points out that there are 3 basic social needs: (1) affection - to express and receive love; (2) inclusion - to be social, to be in the company of others; (3) control -to have influence† (Bergstrom, 2005, par. 1). The social need of inclusion was manifested through Caris’ being accepted in the convent as a nun, to save her from death. Likewise, this inclusion was also exemplified through the acceptance of the king, who disguised himself as a monk and was allegedly accepted warmly in the monastery and in the Kingsbridge community. Concurrently, the social need of control was clearly exemplified in the mini-series through the power that was vested upon the monarchy. It was apparent that if the ruler, in this situation, an evil queen, was most concerned of her selfish interests rather than the good of the people, the townsfolk suffered immensely through justice not being served equitably or fairly. It was during this time that it was exhi bited that autocratic power and authoritarian leadership through the order of the king, the queen, or their authorized cohorts could subject people to hanging and death without the need for a just trial. There was evidently much control through the power that was centralized on the monarchy and also from the priory, where the prior was vested with the authority to decide things on himself. For instance, the prior could charge people suspected of witchcraft and immediately, these haplessly

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Anything related to radioactivity or the nucleus Essay

Anything related to radioactivity or the nucleus - Essay Example An apprehension also exists that the debris from the tsunami, which may be contaminated with radiation, is likely to spread towards the east of Japan and probably may reach the US west coast in about two to three years time. The main threat derives from the fact that radiation can be carried to other parts of the world through air as well as water. Evidence points to the possibility that marine organisms, migrating out of Japan Sea, may be exposed to radiation and these â€Å"might subsequently be harvested by US fishermen† (Buck & Upton p.2). Therefore, scientists suggest that the US authorities should keep monitoring the radiation levels in the seafood so harvested, or being imported from Japan. However, they find solace on the premise that any possible radiation in the sea water will get diluted quickly and will not be â€Å"a problem beyond the coast of Japan† (Buck & Upton p.2). Environmental pollution or contamination is a serious hazard and there is a rising need for creating awareness of this problem among the masses. This article deals with a current issue of highly significant nature and, therefore, is very relevant in the present day. The authors have clearly brought out the problem and its specific impacts on the environment and, therefore, information contained in this article is useful not only for scientists and environmentalists but also for the general public. The article further emphasizes the need for continued monitoring of radiation levels as a response measure to combat contamination. Thus, this article is a significant contribution to the field of environmental studies and can create awareness in the public about the problems radiation can cause to the environment. Buck, H, Eugene & Upton, F, Harold. Effects of Radiation from Fukushima Dai- ichi on the U.S. Marine Environment. Congressional Research Service. 2012. Web. 15 August 2012.

Alliance Design analysis of alternatives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alliance Design analysis of alternatives - Essay Example The industry Alliance Design Concepts is involved in is quite lucrative, and the company seems to be doing well, but it can do better. The challenges faced by the company are not new. In fact, they are common in all companies that conduct any form of purchases and that deal in different currencies as part of their operations. The crux of the matter lies in the strategy used to manage these issues, and not the fact that they exist. From the information provided, it is clear that the company is struggling to stay abreast of fluctuations in exchange rates and avoid the risk created by fluctuations in exchange rates. Looking at the processes and mechanisms the company uses in price quotation, equipment acquisition, and exchange rate management is not as effective as it should be. If they were effective, the company would not be experiencing the challenges it currently faces. It is safe to say that poor management is at the heart of Alliance Design Concept’s struggles. Better financial and management, together with efficient and effective operations management, is sufficient to get the company out of the rut. The company’s profit margins are good enough to give it a clean bill of health financially, but this will not be sustained for long if it keeps losing money through exchange rate fluctuations. In fact, since it has been stated that the company’s profit margins are affected by monies lost to the unpredictability of exchange rates, the profit margins may start reducing gradually until they reach worryingly low levels. Effective management, in any business, involves blocking all avenues through which funds are lost, and reducing expenditure as much as possible. Alliance Design Concepts’ failure to apply this fundamental business principle has significantly contributed towards the dwindling of its fortunes. The best way for Alliance Design Concepts to manage its issues is to streamline its processes and reduce any

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 11

Strategic Management - Essay Example On the other hand there are also those approaches that are conceptual in nature such as policy, stakeholder, issue management, and adaptive approaches. The process of strategy implementation can be divided into various phases: understand history, explore the situation, uncover issues, identify strategy, assess feasibility, and implement strategic change. Finally the differences in strategic management between private and public sector organizations can be mapped along three dimensions: value generation, resource allocation, and accountability and trust. A strategy is a mechanism through which an entity differentiates itself in a competitive arena. In nearly every industry and sector today, strategy has become essential to staying in business. In the past, a business could sustain itself with a fairly static mission and customer base. Today’s marketplace is larger and more competitive with a better educated customer base. Moreover it is constantly changing at an ever increasing speed. These conditions require business leaders to constantly adjust their strategies to remain competitive in the marketplace. Strategic management is the â€Å"formulation and implementation of strategic plans and the orchestration and carrying out of strategic activities of vital concern to the total organization† (Koteen, 1997, p. 24). Strategic management is based on the following three characteristics: Strategic management is a dynamic process in which strategies are aligned to enhance performance and procure desired business results. Strategic management is a continuous activity in which the strategic direction of the organization is determined and subsequently maintained. Strategic management involves regular decision making on a daily basis to deal with constantly changing situations and a challenging environment. Strategic management is the most popular form of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A National PE Curriculum Model or a Program Framework Research Paper

A National PE Curriculum Model or a Program Framework - Research Paper Example SEPEP is distinguished from any other physical education programs mainly by its focus on the staging of a sports tournament. Throughout the program, the students organize and manage the sporting competition. It is expected that they would learn about sports effectively at the same time gain practical and theoretical insights with respect to the roles and dynamics of sports in real life. In this vein, one also recalls the main characteristic and goal of the authentic model, which is to teach sports by creating an authentic setting and experience for learners. Particularly, there is an emphasis on the diversity of roles. The authentic model makes sure that students do not merely participate as players but also take the role of referee, scorekeepers, record takers, performance reporters, coach and team managers. The main difference, however, is that the SEPEP framework is broader for the students with the added responsibility of having to organize the sporting event itself. This is part icularly important especially when one takes into account a recognized theory that, in order for physical education to be effective – that it exerts a meaningful impact to the students’ life - it must be taught within the social context as enacted in the community (Burrows, Macdonald & Wright, p. 64). The idea is that students are in a better position to learn concepts such as teamwork, fitness and fair play, among others. The SEPEP as teaching framework is an interesting model. It entails a different approach with respect to the teacher and the students; roles.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Proposed HR Program for CompuLearn Essay Example for Free

Proposed HR Program for CompuLearn Essay CompuLearn is a private sector provider of IT-based teaching and learning programmes in business and management based in the UK, with corporate headquarters in Preston, Lancashire and with trading centers in Mumbai, Nairobia and Dubai. Its current global market is focused in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, with 200 education centers in 30 countries. CompuLearn partners with UK universities which validates its programs so that   students are able to qualify in the University programs leading to academic degrees. Its current manpower complement numbers 50 employees mostly based in the corporate office in Preston, Lancashire doing the following functions: Program Development, Customer Service, HR, Marketing, Finance, Sales, IT, Quality Assurance. CompuLearn has embarked on a mission to be market leader in e-learning delivery of University validated programs and foremost learning company in the world. It is on an expanded growth program and it adopted a new strategy to extend to 500 education centers in 60 countries over a span of 3 years. The role of HR is very critical in this new strategy, which is to attract top IT experts. It could be a relatively easy task if not for the following: 1. There is a high turn over in the IT industry in UK and new employees leave after only one month for a new job that offers better pay. 2. CompuLearn has a limited training system in place. Its strategy is to recruit highly trained staff instead of training them in house. The allocated budget for training is almost used up and was used to train the Sales team. 3. Employees have limited management skills as they are mostly technical staff whose training is not in the soft skills development. 4. The company does not have a Performance Appraisal System in place. 5. The staff at the corporate headquarters do not have a comfortable relationship with the staff of the UK universities largely due to complaints of attitude. 6. The HR Director’s strength is in micro-managing and does not have expertise in long-term management plans for the company employees. The Limitations and Constraints Faced by the Company The HR Department will play a very strategic role in supporting the growth of CompuLearn. Among other things, it needs to address the following limitations and constraints faced by the company, whether internally caused or faced by the industry in general: 1. The high turn over rate in the IT industry in UK 2. The lack of a professional or well-developed training and development program for employees 3. The employees’ limited skills in management, customer service and other soft skills 4. The lack of a well-placed Performance Appraisal System 5. The not-so-friendly attitude of the academic staff of the Universities towards the company employees at the corporate headquarters 6. The limited knowledge and skills of the HR Director in long-term planning for the management of the employees Recommendations The HR strategies recommended are based on the following assumptions: 1. Budget The company is working on a limited budget, which is just around 30% of the  annual budget of 25,000 Euros. 2. Lead Department The HR Department will take the lead in implementing the strategies. The HR Director shall formally appoint the section heads to serve as lead persons in implementing the strategies in their respective sections. The HR Director has the free hand in creating working committees to participate in the entire process from planning to implementation. The process will be participatory and with some amount of consultation from the employees. 3. Timetable The strategies are proposed for implementation on a focused basis within the first year (Year 1 Month 1 to Month 12). Beginning Year 2 (Month 13) the focus of the activities will be on monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of improvements. 4. HR Management Perspective/Model Available literature identify different HR Management models that attempt to explain the various strategies adopted by different companies. General classifications fall under the â€Å"soft† and â€Å"hard† models, based on the definitions of employees considered as either â€Å"human† or â€Å"resource†. The hard versions consider employees as resource and adopt a rational approach to managing them, aligning their HR strategies with the strategies of the business. The soft version, on the other hand, considers employees as human and adopts strategies to train and develop them (Bratton and Gold, p. 5). The recommendations adopted in this case will be based more on the soft version of human resource management. Focus will be more on training and development as well as in developing commitment from employees. A limited form of the hard version will however allow the HR to link the strategies with the overall corporate strategy of the company. In analyzing the challenge faced by CompuLearn, a simplistic framework was designed around the following questions, based on the limitations/constraints faced by the company and to become the basis for the strategies: 1. On the high turn-over rate in the IT industry How can CompuLearn keep its employees from leaving the company after short- term engagement only? Or how can the company motivate its employees to stay longer? 2. On the lack of a professional training and development program Should the company train in-house or continue to hire experts from outside? 3. On the employees’ limited skills in management, customer service, and other soft skills. How can the employees learn the soft skills and apply them at work? 4. On the lack of a well-placed Performance Appraisal System Is there a need to formulate or adopt a Performance Appraisal System? 5. On the not-so-friendly attitude of the academic staff of the Universities towards the company employees at the corporate headquarters How can there be a more cordial relationship between the two parties? How can the company make the employees appreciate the importance of having good relations with the University staff? Can this be done through training or should the company replace those who transact with the University staff with other company employees, either through job rotation or job enrichment? 7. On the limited knowledge and skills of the HR Director in long-term planning for the management of the employees. Should the HR Director undertake refresher courses in management? Or should the company hire a new HR person who has the skills in long term planning to assist the HR Director? Below is a presentation of the proposed HR strategies and programs, in matrix form,   that can be implemented under the leadership of the HR Director. They are composed of both short term and long term strategies. The short-term strategies are those that can be immediately implemented, within the first six months from the time the recommendations will be adopted. The long term strategies are those that can be adopted over a longer period and on a continuing basis like the periodic reviews of policies and developing a system whereby improvements can take place every so often whenever warranted. It will be observed that most of the strategies will be newly introduced to the company and it can be expected that certain difficulties will be met. This will include among other things, resistance to the changes to be introduced, the difficulty of the HR Department to implement them for lack of the appropriate knowledge and skills, and with some â€Å"difficult† employees. This is all part of the process of the HR accepting the initial resistance  to the changes. The HR should be firm and consistent but at the same time adopting an attitude of openness and willingness to see through the improvements. Education and training are two important components of an empowered workforce. The saying that a company is only as good as its weakest employee is very much applicable here. Each employee is responsible for knowing about his company and performing according to the expectations set at the time of his engagement. However, it is the job of HR to find the employees who have the potential to learn more and continuously give them the opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Security Threats in Businesses

Security Threats in Businesses Musa Hajara Muhammad Introduction The business environment is becoming a fast paced globalized economy that depends on information and data carried via open channels. As a business organization, it is critical to maintain and protect both physical and virtual property that is being owned against intruders, potential theft and other acts that could cause loss of any form. Dominos, for example, one of the biggest pizza delivery company faced a massive data breach where customer information was made public, hence resulting in loss of sales and customers. In today’s global, digital world, data rules. Safeguarding intellectual property, financial information, and a company’s reputation is a crucial part of business strategy. With the number of threats and the sophistication of attacks increasing, safeguarding becomes a formidable task.Businesses, both small and big are under massive attacks by external agents in order to get credit card information and other confidential data which can be have a negative imp act on the growth of the business. However, this security threats are not limited to attacks from the outside, but also from within the firm (BusinessSecurity, 2013). A recent survey shows that 80% of security breaches are caused by insiders- most often employees, more than 20% of attacks on the corporate WEB sites come from the inside, almost 30% of companies, experience more than 5 attacks from the inside every year. However, it has also been argued that having too much security may affect business processes. According to Cowan (2012), while there are various security solutions to help protect businesses from potential reputational or financial damage, a heavy investment in business security solutions may have a counter-productive impact on the business. It can affect the corporate culture, flow of information and operational processes, leading to inefficiencies and productivity loss (Cowan, 2012). On the other hand, being too permissive can have the same result, with employees able to access, share, lose or damage sensitive data too easily (Cowan, 2012). According to Cowan, business security needs to be tailored to each business depending on their respective risks and business objectives, that is, Security measures must neither be so restrictive that they affect business processes, nor too relaxed and thereby causing harm (Cowan, 2012). The key is to weigh up all the risks and vulnerabilities, potential consequences and controls, and then decide which information assets to protect and which can be accessed and shared openly without major consequences. Following a risk-based approach will lead to business growth and spending the right amount of time and money on the right level of protection in the right areas (Cowan, 2012). As a result of the negative issues of security threats to businesses, many companies today are adopting a corporate security strategy. Corporate securityidentifies and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation. It is a corporate function that oversees and manages the close coordination of all functions within the company that are concerned with security, continuity and safety (Wikipedia, 2010). Core components of corporate security includes personal security, physical security, information security, corporate governance, compliance and ethics program, crime prevention and detection, fraud deterrence, investigations, risk management, business continuity, and crisis management (Wikipedia, 2010). While it takes effecting time planning to implement, Bordoloi (2012) argues that developing an effective governance approach to corporate security results in five basic outcomes: Reduced risks and potential business impacts to an acceptable level; Strategic alignment of security with the enterprise strategy and the organizational objectives; Business value generated through the optimization of security investments with organizational objectives; Preserved and increased market share due to the reputation for safeguarding information; Efficient utilization of security investments that support organization’s objectives. Also Adhering to a good corporate security policy can assist senior management to help them make decisions and then pass the essential actions to those in management positions. Al-Awadi Renaud (2008) argue that implementing an effective security solution can be complex and time consuming, stating that while it can slow a firm growth due to the resources involved, it is the key strategy for the sustainability of a firm in the 21st century. Al-Awadi Renaud (2008) identified five key factors for the successful implementation of a business security strategy. They include awareness and training, budget, management support, Information Security Policy Enforcement and Adaptation and organization mission. Critical success factors for security policy implementation Dhillon (1999) argues that, organizations must have ongoing education and training programs to achieve the required outcome from the implementation of an information security policy. The 2002 security awareness index report cited by McKay (2003) concluded that organizations around the world are failing to make their employees aware of the security issues and the consequences. Hone Eloff (2002) explain that the behaviour and attitudes of employees towards information security will be more in line with secure behaviour if top management demonstrates concern, therefore it is suggested that the tone of security is set by the attitudes of those at the top of the organization (Hinde, 1998). Management wont act to support the information security unless they can see that it supports the organizations core business function (Blake, 2000). Hence they must be convinced of the importance of information security before they will to provide sufficient budget, and act to enforce the information security policy (Von Solms, 1999). Also, Bjorck (2002) describes budget as the financial facility which firstly rationally estimates the costs and secondly assesses the access required to the resources to achieve successful implementation of information security. Organizations require adequate funding (Doherty Fulford, 2005) to achieve effective information security. â€Å"Budgets generally depend on the manner in which individuals’ investments translate to outcomes, but the impact of security investment often depends not only on the investor’s own decisions but also on the decisions of others† (Anderson Moore, 2006, p.612 ). Lack of information security budgeting in organizations leads to under- investment in appropriate controls (Dinnie, 1999). Moreover, Fung et al. (2003) explains that a good security policy is the keystone to a sustainable business growth. There is no doubt that the adoption of a security policy is the initial measure that must be in place to minimize the threat of unacceptable use of any of the organization’s information resources. And lastly, Siponen (2001) explains that in terms of security, organizations usually do nothing as long as nothing goes wrong, but when things do go wrong, they suddenly pay attention and a lot of effort is required to recover from the situation, even though sometimes full recovery is impossible. Some of the experts said that the organizations clear goals and objectives are essential in implementing security policies and that having a culture of secure information in the organization will affect its success. Conclusion Information is knowledge, and knowledge is power. Businesses are beginning to understand the need to demonstrate to customers that their information is being handled securely, especially in the light of numerous data breaches such as the NSA scandal. When customers are aware that the information a firm possesses about them is highly secured, they tend to build confidence in such a firm, and invest even more. What has been discovered from the analysis above is that firms that are concerned about security are more likely to survive both internal and external threats posed to them. However, due to the complexity of implementing these security initiatives, certain schools of thought are of the opinion that it may take firms concerned with security time to grow. These thoughts have led to the emergence of security analysts, data managers, network and security engineers, and other security personnel who specialize in safe guarding company data and information from various mishaps. In recent years the amount of money pumped into security firms around the world simply goes a long way to reiterate the fact that firms are getting keener about security investment. $15 million pumped into Cylance, $23 million into EndGame, and a whopping $50 million into FireEye are a few from the several investment deals reached with tech security companies. (Bryon Acohido, 2013). Investing in security can cost a company a large amount of its resources, but not adequately investing in securing its most valuable asset, which is information can cause a company to totally shut down in the case of any data exposure or loss. Alpex Consulting Africa Managing Director, Joseph Kibe, in Kenya said, â€Å"Organizations have lost a lot of data and there must be a lot of losses incurred because of customers’ data being thrown away when information leaks to the wrong hands. The economy has to wake up and secure this information†¦if you walk into an insurance firm, a bank, or a hospital, is your information secure? That is what will determine who makes it †¦Ã¢â‚¬  For a successful security policy, organizations must institute security policies to prevent unauthorized access to their resources. Steps must be taken to ensure that employees get the required awareness and security training to make them aware of the security issues and the consequences of insecure behavior. Moreover, the results suggest the ethos of security must come from the top of the organization to encourage a serious attitude from employees and an expectation that they will comply with the organizations security policy rules and regulations. A point worthy of note is that, for a firm to think about security in the first instance, it must already have a decent amount of presence over the internet. This alone, can make a company gain more profit and recognition due to its global presence. Most security breaches occur in the most developed of countries, and this is because of the level of advancement in technology, and also sophistication in cybercrime. A country who is just at the developing stage seldom experiences high level of security mishap. This goes a long way to say that the level of development in a country can be directly proportional the amount of cybercrime that occurs in that country. Implementation of security won’t be possible if a sufficient budget is not allocated. Clear organizational mission statements and goals result in positive employee behavior and positive attitudes towards securing the organization’s information assets. Just like a car, building, or machine, information is an asset, and the most valuable in this era of information technology. Safeguarding such a valuable asset will in no way slow down the growth of a firm, but set it apart from its adversaries. References Bordoloi, C. (2012) 5 Benefits of Proper IT Security Governance URL: Accessed (23/06/2013) Bjorck, F., 2002. Implementing Information Security Management Systems – An Empirical Study of Critical Success Factors. Wikipedia (2010) Corporate Security URL: Accessed (23/06/2013) Dhillon, G., 1999. Managing and Controlling Computer Misuse. Information Management Computer Security, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 171-175. Doherty, N. F. and Fulford, H., 2005. Do Information Security Policies Reduce the Incidence of Security Breaches: An Exploratory Analysis. Information Resources Management Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 21-39. DeviceLock (2012),Corporate security: risks of the insiders attack URL: Accessed (23/06/2013) Business Security (2013) Understanding Business Security URL: Accessed (23/06/2013) Cole, E (2010) Importance of cyber security to protect your business URL: Accessed (23/06/2013) Hone, K. Eloff, J.H.P. 2002. What makes an Effective Information Security Policy. Network Security, Vol. 20, No. 6,pp. 14-16. Fung, P., Kwok, L. Longley, D. 2003. Electronic Information Security Documentation. Australian Computer society, Vol. 21. Dinnie, G., 1999. The Second Annual Global Information Security Survey. Information Management computer security, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 112-120. Hind, S. 2002. Security Surveys Spring Crop. Computers and Security, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 310-321. McKay, J. 2003. Pitching the Policy: implementing IT Security Policy through Awareness. SANS Institute. Von Solms, R. 1999. Information Security Management: Why Standards are Important. Information Management Computer Security, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 50-57.

Human Resource Management Critical Review

Human Resource Management Critical Review Human Resource Management is concerned with the way in which associations coordinate their individuals (Redman and Wilkinson 2001: 1). It wrappings a very broad kind of notions, improvement, and procedures for coordinating and accelerating attachments and production in organizations. However, much of this is admonished for engaged in concept but not in practice. Due to the gigantic scale of the human asset management concept, this period paper mostly aspires to converse about this contention with quotation to a key and topical up to designated day facet of HRM, the strategic human asset management. Literature Review More recently, human asset management has consumed its wideness of study after the staple concerns of recruitment, assortment, educating pay and appraisal, etc. in exact, one stream of study, strategic human asset management (SHRM) has emerged as being highly influential in this esteem (Wilkinson A et al., 2001:10). SHRM points that an organizations human asset assets are probably the sole source of sustainable comparable for instance and much of the work in this locality arises from the resource-based concept (RBT) of the firm (Barney, 1991, 1995). The resource-based concept presents conceptual foundation for asserting that HR assets are key to firms comparable and relation advantage. Miller argue that operational linkages between the enterprise design and the standard in the main heading of employees are the key, or in his sayings, the fit of HRM with the strategic impel of the organizations (Wilkinson A et al., 2001:10) and he presents his delineation of SHRM: Those deductions and undertakings which disquiet the management of employees at all degrees in the enterprise and which are administered in the main heading of conceiving and sustaining comparable advantage. (Miller, 1987:352) Theorists address HRM as being intensified, unified and propelled by strategy: A strategic orientation is a vital constituent in human asset management. It presents the structure interior which a ordered approach can be developed to the creation and setting up of HRM values, designs and practices. [] The aim of strategic human asset management is to double-check that the heritage, procedure and structure of the association, and the worth, firm pledge and motivation of its employees, assists absolutely to the accomplishment of enterprise objective. (Armstrong M., 1992:47) The disquiet with design, which emphasizes on integrating standard with organizational design, taking a long-term viewpoint and asset other than cost (see Cheyne A, Lecturer comments, week 1/2003), distinguishes HRM from one-by-one management. It is claimed that one-by-one management is substaintially reactive, whereas HRM, exemplified by design, is proactive. For instance, Guest differentiates customary one-by-one management from HRM by virtue of the way in which the preceding disregarded, but the last cited adopts strategy (1993:213). SHRM takes a proactive way in the main heading of the competitiveness and effectiveness of the association other than of reactive day-to-day oriented one-by-one management. Strategic literatures stress the central asset of a enterprise as the source of comparable for instance, which can be maintained by the following aspects: They should add worth to the association activities They should be uncommon, unique They should be incapable to be refurbished by technology The affray should have adversity in making a replicate them / nonimitable These criteria of HRM appear in the pattern of adeptness, know-how and experience (Storey 1995: 4) The assumption of a close attachment between enterprise design and HRM values is founded on contingency concept, which keeps that HRM values are selected as claimed by the kind of comparable design taken up by businesses. Contingency concept (Miles and Snow, 1984; Porter, 1985; Schuler and Jackson, 1987a) notifies us, HRM designs should be gelled with accurate enterprise comparable designs if they are to boost association performance. The concept of fit facilitates the close linkage between HRM designs and enterprise designs in alignment to help hold and motivate employees. A firm applying HRM practices that increase employee demeanour dependable with its enterprise design is proficient to complete better production (Delery and Doty, 1996). In supplement, the proposal of the fit assists enterprises to coordinate their assets more competently, in alignment that they can decline operational allegations and answer competently to environmental restraints and new possibilities (Bird and Beechler, 1995). Therefore, creative linkage between enterprise designs and HRM designs may well reinforce organizational performance. Competitive design proposes a sequence of methodical and affiliated deductions that give a enterprise a comparable advantage relative to other enterprises (Schuler and Jackson, 1987a; Dowling and Schuler, 1990). The idea of enterprise comparable design arises mostly from Porters (1980, 1985) classifications of generic strategies: cost administration, differentiation, and focus. And Miles and Snow (1984) classified enterprise designs into three types: protector, prospector, and analyzer. Schuler and Jackson (1987a) utilised the time span trivially distinct from that of Porter to classify enterprise comparable designs into three types: cost decline, breakthrough, and worth enhancement. They furthermore identify distinct kinds of employee demeanour and HRM values, which are fitted to each comparable strategy. Firstly, cost-reduction design embraces reinforcing comparable for instance by decreasing the allegations of items or services. This design boosts yield effectiveness and declines charges through utilising new know-how, expanding the dimensions of yield, or re-organizing yield procedure, whereby a enterprise can launch its items or services at a lesser cost in alignment to gain more market shares. Secondly, breakthrough design stress the development of items or services, which are exclusive, nonimitable or distinct from those of the competition. Finally, the aim of worth enhancement design is to complete accomplishment by providing a worth that excels that of other items or services. Honda in Ohio presents a good instance of how comparable advantage can be profited by high-quality items (Schuler and Jackson, 1987a). Critical Analysis However, it is strong to identify the attachment between human asset management and design and it appears to be easier in concept than in practice. Marginson et al. (1998) found out that 80 per century of older managers in HRM claimed that they have general HRM designs but twosome of can explain what the designs are! In effect, both academics and practitioners have found out it hard to appreciate the implication of strategic human asset management in practice. Hendry (1994b) acknowledges that design is the better theme in HRM but furthermore a misread idea and the viewpoint writers on HRM offer on design is often slick and requiring in sophistication (1994b: 2) Perhaps the adversity is aggregated by requiring of case enquiries, which endow us have a insight look into the design in practice. For practitioner part, the stress of SHRM in concept has administered to large interest from older management assembly but proceed incorrect to fit the lower-level managers. We will converse about this in the subsequent part of the article. In minutia, just like Guest (1987) explained in his publication, human asset design may only unproblematic in the flawless position and Price (1997) concludes that: It should take position interior a purpose- assembled up to designated day place, a green locality position utilising care absolutely selected green labour. Such stuff would have no preceding know-how of the business in which the enterprise purposes and therefore would be untarnished by an undesirable evolved subculture. They would not be hide-bound by customary but outmoded ways of doing things. The association desires highly professional management, preferably Japanese and American. Employees should be allocated intrinsically giving work other than uninteresting reasons for which pay is the sole motivation. Workers should have security of paid work and not be absolutely in concern of mislaying their jobs. Discussion Guest acknowledges that these position are strong to complete in present because most associations have pre-existing workers, organisations and equipment that will not be discarded. They express with them with patterns of power and behaviors, which may be resisting to the HR philosophy. In supplement, the formalities of strategic conceiving are gigantic distinct accurate to distinct enterprises and the items emerge to be the completed thing to have one. Some associations develop a comprehensive some 100 years slips item while some use an unwritten guidance. However, neat theoretical improvement with successive sayings of enquiry, alternate and implementation are seldom glimpsed in practice. On the other hand, many older managers articulate the enterprise goals to their employees by the target affirmation, liking this present can lead to a high firm pledge from every one-by-one in the enterprise, since high firm pledge is glimpsed to be crucial for comparable edge. To some span, such standard does work for the target affirmation notifies the employees the essence of what an association is about: why it inhabits, what kind of enterprise it suggests to be, and who its suggested customers are etc. However, it has to accept that many associations develop a target affirma tion only because it is the completed thing to have one. The target affirmation is locked into the companys first-order designs and these are foremost deductions on its long-term aspires and the scope of its undertakings (Purcell 1995: 67) The foremost characteristics of strategic HRM is its integration with enterprise design, the notion being that HR values and practices should support the goals of a enterprise (Redman and Wilkinson, 2002). Storeys study (1992) concludes that such integration is uncommon in British organizations. His task intensified on 40 large utilising associations and committed 350 meetings with managers at all degrees, in which approximately 80% were line and general managers. He settled that: human asset management kind designs had been bolted on to the embedded system (Storey, 1992). The management change was very slow and hesitant process. There emerged to be need of integration between paid work practices, both one-by-one and collective, and broader enterprise strategy. Conclusion In deduction, while it works well in concept surrounding the theme of SHRM, human asset management seems to be inapt in practice. Based on the concern overhead, we have to accept that strategic human asset conceiving, which presents a structure for HR obligations over a time span, has its foundation on sensible conceiving but in present employees managers have a kind of adversities in appreciating and applying the strategy. Some of the adversities individuals face encompass developing new designs, restructuring, changing and holding for new skills. And more adversities reach from heritage and behavioural change and so on. Strategic human asset management stress numbers, quantitative affirmations, mind-set, demeanour and firm pledge while standards harder matching types of HRM (Price 1997: 184), but the implementation is inapt particularly when the responsibilities overtake to the line managers. In present, there are both goal and individual constituents pertaining to line managers and supervisors that lead to some blocks and obstacles to the integration between HRM design and association design and the implementation of strategy. In abstract, it is equitable to state that human asset management concept works well in concept but not in practice. In newest years, the locality of Human Resource Management has moved to address not only micro but furthermore macro relationships. The micro aim, evolving from evolved psychology, emphasized human asset values and their leverage on individuals. This aim was concerned solely with such deductions as job acceptance and employee participation. The macro aim moves the degree of enquiry from the one-by-one to the organization. Diversity Orientation: Configurational ViewDiversity becomes significant organizational goal and diversity management becomes particularly salient because of the natural inclination in the main heading of homogeneity in organizations. Schneiders (1987) Attraction-Selection-Attrition hypothesis (ASA) suggests that associations are inclined to apply, vessel for charter, and hold alike types of people. (Ellis, 1994, 79-110) Thus, diversity orientation serves as such means and should lead to amplified diversity. Diversity comprises expressing distinct backgrounds, heritage, and generations into the equal organization. This kind of perspectives can foster creativity. On the other hand, this kind of perspectives evolves inefficiencies in that diverse assemblies need circulated comprehending, probably making attachment slow and laborious. Thus, we propose that environments and designs that demand breakthrough and creative responses will benefit more from diversity than those environments that need efficiency. (Ellis, 1994, 79-110)One origin that configurations stay crucial for fostering diversity is founded upon concept termed social traps or communal dilemmas . These tricks begin when an try to address adversity more distant exacerbates the adversity through unintentional consequences. For instance, work/family program conceived to provide flexibility to employees could lead to pledge at odds production evaluations for those employees who avail themselves of the program. Likewise, an affirmative undertaking program may conceive communal knack through resentment from white males who appear procedural injustice (Thomas, 1990, 107-117). Diversity orientation mitigates the communal knack adversity by conceiving an natural natural environment where clear, unambiguous pointers are dispatched contemplating diversity. For instance, associations may bypass an affirmative undertaking communal knack by combining it with diversity educating that incorporates designs to absolutely integrate all employees into the organizational culture. Training can conceive an insight of these tricks and provide designs for talking to the underlying issues. Compensation and work conceive affairs may furthermore help bypass communal traps. The unequal circulation of work or buys fosters an one-by-one orientation and assists to individuals engaged competitively other than cooperatively. Thus, work conceive in support of diversity would are inclined in the main heading of symmetry in employee aid and outcomes. Further, Barry and Bateman (1996) argue that dispersed order enhances the organizations skill to conclusion communal tricks that hinder diversity advancement. Organizations with assemblies and work association with dispersed deduction making would are inclined to enhance diversity by circulating order and power all through the organization. Thus, one-by-one values directed in an identity-blind natural natural environment will more anticipated conceive communal traps. diversity orientation, on the other hand, will propel clear, unambiguous pointer that all employees and their aid are valued. Training and development, work conceive, staffing and reimbursement comprise the foremost constituents of diversity orientation. However, these constituents can function individually at cross causes or in concert. firm may have little or no aim on diversity with esteem to educating and development and high degree of diversity aim with esteem to work design. Although many enterprises continue to use these four dimensions of diversity individually, we have argued that configuration of these four practices will work simultaneously to enhance diversity. (Thomas, 1990, 107-117) Thus, multiplicative attachment inhabits in alignment that enterprises that have complementary configured educating and development, work conceive, staffing and reimbursement interventions will have important diversity orientation. This attachment evolves from the minutia that diversity is convoluted incident that yearns unchanging reinforcement. Larkey (1996) distinuishes an flawless diversity climate as increasing pluralism and circulated ideas. Barry and Bateman (1996) argue that diversity communal tricks are nested and enlist locked-in demeanour over degrees of analysis. Thus, values and practices that reside all through the human asset design may have communal knack attributes when analyzed independently. However, diversity orientation leaps the knack by conceiving an organizational security snare to foster and increase heritage diversity. For instance, The UK Instruments has diversity orientation (Thomas, 1990, 107-117). The companys Diversity Network of over 20 diversity designs embraces such characteristics as diversity forums and coalitions. (Thomas, 1990, 107-117) The enterprise furthermore has enterprise and enterprise degree diversity managers. The strategic administration of the enterprise incorporates diversity. Specific diversity designs encompass using, educating and development of kept protected class constituents and employee accolades for accomplishing excellence in boosting diversity. The Diversity Network manifestly serves as the key constituent altering one-by-one diversity programs into diversity orientation. References Armstrong M. (1992) Human Resource Management: Strategy and Action, kogan Page. Armstrong M. (1994) The reality of strategic of HRM, paper presented at the Strategic Direction of Human Resource Management Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 14-15 December. Bach, 2000, unnamed article, quoted in M. Marchington and A.Wilkinson (2002), People Management and Development: Human resource management at work, 2nd ed, Trowbridge, Wiltshire: Cromwell Press. pp 235. Barney, J. (1991) Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, 17 (1): 99-120 Barney, J.B. (1995) looking inside for competitive advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 9 (4): 49-61 Bird, A. and Beechler, S. (1995), Links between business and transnational human resource Cheyne A, Lecturer notes, week 1/2003 Comparative Labor Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialized Market Economics, Cunningham and Hyman, 1995 unnamed article, quoted in M. Marchington and A.Wilkinson (2002), People Management and Development: Human resource management at work, 2nd ed, Trowbridge, Wiltshire: Cromwell Press. pp 236. Delery, J.E. and Doty, D.H. (1996), Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource Dowling, P. and Schuler, R. (1990), Human resource management, in Blanpian, R. (Ed.), Guest, D. (1987) Human resource management and industrial relations, Journal of Management Studies, 24 (5): 503-21 Guest, D. (1993) Current perspectives on human resource management in the United Kingdom, in C. Brewster (ed) Current Trent in Human Resource Management in Europ, Kogan Page Hendry, C. (1994b) Developing a human resource strategy: a case study in organizational process, paper presented at the Strategic Direction of Human Resource Management Conference, Nottingham Trent University, 14-15 December. Legge, K. (1995a) Human resource management: a critical analysis, in J. Storey (ed.) Human Resource Management: A Critical Text, Routledge. management strategy in US based Japanese subsidiaries: an empirical investigation, management: tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance Marchington, M. and Wilkinson, A. (2002), People Management and Development: Human resource management at work, 2nd ed, Trowbridge, Wiltshire: Cromwell Press. Marginson, P., Edwards, P., Martin, R., Purcell, J. and Sisson, K. (1988) Beyond the Workplace: Managing Industrial Relations in the Multi-establishment Enterprise, Blackwell. Miles, R.E. and Snow, C.C. (1984), Designing strategic human resource systems, Organization Dynamics, Vol. 13, pp. 36-52. R.R. Thomas, From Affirmative Action To Affirming Diversity, Harvard Business Review, (1990), 107-117.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Designing a Network Essay -- science

Designing a Network I. STATEMENT & BACKGROUND The college of Business (COB) server is now being used to support deliver to the Computer Information System (CIS) department. The CIS professors would be using the server for various operations. Assignments, e-mail, and other types of information would be easier for the students to access. Network users are able to share files, printers and other resources; send electronic messages and run programs on other computers. However, certain important issues need to be addressed and concentrated on. In order to begin the process of setting up the COB server, the total numbers of users (faculty and students) must be determined. Some other significant factors to be approached are: the required software applications needed on the network, an efficient and appropriate directory structure and effective security structure. In designing the directory structure, the major focus must be on accessibility. The number of undergraduate CIS courses that the server will be used for is between 15 and 17. For the users to be ensured that their information is not at risk, we will create an effective security structure. In composing the appropriate security structure there must be certain access rights assigned to the users. An important technical detail in setting up a server is the amount of money that will need to be allocated for the restructuring of the system. For the system to function properly, the amount of hardwa re/ software will need to be determined. II. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The COB server will primarily be used by CIS professors and CIS students. The approximate number of professors in the CIS department is between five and seven and the approximate number of CIS majors is between 100 and 120. As computer technology continues to grow, the number of CIS majors is vastly increasing. If we see a considerable rise in Computer Information Systems majors the department will have to expand its faculty members. The CIS professors will be using the server to disburse their syllabi, distribute specific assignments and send e-mail to their students. The layout, design and complexity of each class will determine how much the professor may be using the server. The first class a CIS major usually takes at Western is CIS 251. Management Information Systems (CIS 251). This class offers students a basis for management... ...led in to diagnose and solve the problems. Outside consultants are usually expensive and are most of the time are not worth it. The load placed upon the system will vary at times. Classes are going to have a conflict in assignment due dates and everyone is going to rush to the lab to finish their assignments. However I think that most of the time there will be a slight to moderate load placed on the system. Most students bounce in to check their mail or to send a quick message anyway. Sitting down and writing a program in one session is impossible any, so that will reduce the load in itself. Login scripts for each user need to be simple. Allowing students to write their own should not even be considered. Each student should have the same format and be placed at the same starting point each time that they login. Alloting a specific number of search drives and network drivers would definitly reduce problems. Students should be required to change their passwords periodically. The system login scripts could execute certain commands for each different users, faculty and students. These are just a few areas within the entire Technical Design process that require a serious answer.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Week 3: Discussion 1 – Conceptual System Design Colorado Technical University CS672: Systems Engineering Methods Pooja Kattimani Instructor: Professor John King January 20, 2014 Conceptual System Design 1. In accomplishing needs analysis in response to given deficiency, what type of information you would include? Describe the process that you would use in developing necessary information? Information required to accomplish needs analysis in response to given deficiency is statement of problem presented in specific quantitative and qualitative terms and with enough detail to justify progressing to next step. Problem statement must reflect true customer requirements Information necessary for accomplishing needs analysis is developed using the team approach process. Team approach is involving of customers, consumers, producers, suppliers as appropriate in order to identify the problem and define WHATs first. The objective of team approach process is to establish effective communication between all the parties involved in the team approach process. Among all parties involved in...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Iago as the Hero of Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Iago as the Hero of Othello Roderigo, a soldier in Othello's army, is in love with Desdemona and is deceived by Iago into thinking that Desdemona holds some affection for him. Iago, who is Othello's "ancient" or his counselor, desires to hold Othello's position and so tries to devise a plan to become general. As proved by the outcome of the play, Othello was too naive and kindhearted to properly lead an army. Iago felt that he should have been promoted to be Othello's lieutenant but Cassio was promoted instead. The outcome of the play also proves that Iago was more efficient in achieving his goals. Iago's plan is one that involves Cassio, Othello's second in command, Roderigo and Desdemona. Iago is better qualified than either Cassio or Othello if he devised such a plan without either of them noticing. The same strategies he uses in everyday life he would be able to employ in battles. Iago has proven to be the ultimate soldier. Iago instills jealousy in both Roderigo and Othello by leading each of them to think that Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. He accomplishes all this without being discovered until the end. During the course of the play, Othello is further deceived by Iago to believe that Desdemona is unfaithful to him. Emilia, Iago's wife, unknowingly helps Iago fool Othello when she gives her husband the handkerchief that was given to Desdemona by Othello on their wedding night. Desdemona always keeps this by her side, as a result of Othello's command. When Iago tells Othello that he has seen Cassio with his gift to Desdemona, Othello becomes enraged and vows to kill her. He also makes Iago swear that he will kill Cassio. Through Iago's planning, Roderigo gets a chance to kill Cassio but fails. When Iago sees Roderigo's failure to carry through with the plan, he wounds Cassio in the leg and kills Roderigo. When Othello hears commotion in the streets below he thinks that Cassio is dead and smothers Desdemona. When Cassio, Gratiano (relative to Brabantio), Montano (Cyprus official), and Iago hear Emilia's screams from Othello's bedroom they discover what he has done. Iago is revealed as the culprit and he then kills Emilia. After this Othello commits suicide and Iago is taken away to be punished. Iago was seeking a revenge that can be justified because he felt that Othello had had an affair with Emilia.

If Dory Had Gone Against Maria’s Wishes Essay

Jack would respond in the affirmative and then, according to Dory, the â€Å"bed would squeak†. Emma wanted to believe that she was living in a fairy-tale and she so she did, refusing to let anyone tell her otherwise. Mrs. Robinson tried to tell Emma that her husband was being unfaithful, and Emma refused to believe. Though Emma had all right not to believe Mrs. Robinson, the fact still remained that Mrs. Robinson was unable to convince Emma of Jack’s infidelity. If Mrs. Robinson could not convince Emma that all was not right in her relationship with her husband, how would Dory, an eight year old girl who did not fully understand the workings of the adult world, be able to convince Emma that Jack was being unfaithful. Emma would have told Dory that she did not understand what she was talking about, and demand to know where she had received her information. When Dory had revealed her source, which she undoubtedly would because of her love for Emma and need to please her, Emma would no doubt have confronted Mrs. Robinson. That confrontation would only have put the altercation between Emma and Mrs. Robinson at a different setting. Emma would still have refused to believe that she was not the only woman in Jack York’s life. Mrs. Robinson would still have set up the â€Å"chance† meeting among Emma, Jack and the lady at the train station. Emma would still have reacted the way she did, and would still have died. It is therefore safe for me to say, that based on my analysis of the short story, Emma, as well as looking at the most likely outcomes for a slight change in the plot of the story, if Dory had told her mother about the lady at the train station, the outcome of the story would have probably been the same.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay

Arthur Boyd and Oodgeroo, formally cognize as Kath stroller, both in effect present their own heap of Australia through the film The Mining Town and the song The conviction Is Running Out. They each present roughly differing interpretations of the country based upon their altered perspectives and context. Arthur Boyd presents a vivid and vibrant life of an Australian mining town of 1920 through his photo while Kath Walker aggressively presents an umbrageous view of what Australia has become hostilely outlining the restoration ca mappingd by European settlement.In Kath Walkers metrical composition time is running out she uses a making loveate and forceful tone allowing it to represent an patriarchal perspective of the mining town, which effectively portrays her view of Australia. The mineworker rapes the heart of the basis the use of the word rape, describes a traumatic and violent action. Kath Walker uses this aggressive adduce to start her poem essentially stating the miners atomic number 18 ruining the inbred part of Australia.She thus reward to say With this violent turn everywhere meaning the spade the miners be victimisation is killing the earth. Stealing, bolting her black blood. The use of a metaphor in this quote depicts the miner taking the black coal from the earth. She wherefore personifies the earth to exemplify that the Europeans are destroying the natural beauty of Australia for the sake of the greedy trade. Kath Walker demonstrates her disappointment throughout the poem in the European culture of Australia and is horrified by what the country has become.She effectively conveys her view of Australia. In the second part of Kath Walkers poem she proceeds to use a patriotic and once again a violent tone to portray her view of Australia. She challenges upon all Aborigines to take a stand against the violent personality on the earth caused by the foreigners. The repetition of military force he knows violence will be vi olently written make the violent miner feel exaggerates her perspective of Australia by portraying Australia as a indescribable violent country.Throughout her poem she over exaggerates the terrible wok of the miners and at the end of her poem she hypocritically gives a violent subject matter of retaliation against the miners to defend their timeless land. surveil gentle black man she creatively changes the earshots state of point by showing that the aborigines are the victims and are innocent. Kath allows the audience to feel her frustration with the use of her aggressive tone and adjectives essentially providing the audience with not only Kaths view of Australia but also the whole autochthonic community.It is because of Kaths poetic devices and techniques which allows her to present her perspective of Australia from an Aboriginal point of view. Her aggressive and serious tone, shows her passion and love for the nature of the country. She also spreads a message of violence of retaliation and penalize on the European miners who are destroying nature in Australia all for the filthy dollar. wherefore I think that the poem close to effectively conveys a view of Australia preferably than the photo.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goa Tourism

Goa Tourism

Goa isnt about shores.Goa lies in Western Coast of India and is 594 Kms (by road) away from Mumbai city. Goa, for the purpose of revenue administration is divided into district viz. North and South Goa with headquarters at Panaji and Margao respectively. The entire State comprises 11 talukas.It is a tourist attraction site.and South Goa comprising five talukas with an area of 1966 sq. ilometers. In all there are 383 villages of which 233 are in North Goa district and 150 in South Goa district. As per the 2001 census, there are 44 towns of which 14 are Municipalities and remaining are census towns.

North Goa provides a number of accommodations.Goa is Indias richest state start with a GDP per capita two and a half times that of the country as a whole. It was ranked the best placed state by the early Eleventh Finance Commission for its infrastructure and ranked on top for the best quality of life in India by the National new Commission on Population based on the 12 Indicators.Panaji is the states capital, while Vasco da Gama is the largest city. The historic city of Margao still exhibits the cultural influence of the Portuguese, who first landed in the early 16th century as merchants and conquered it soon thereafter.Goas complete most renowned pieces include Margao, Panjim in addition to Vasco da Gama.It lies between the latitudes 14Â °53? 54? N and 15Â °40? 00? N and longitudes 73Â °40? 33? E and 74Â °20? 13? E. Most of Goa is a part of the coastal country known as the Konkan, which is an escarpment rising up to the Western Ghats range of mountains, which separate it f rom the Deccan Plateau. The highest important point is the Sonsogor, with an altitude of 1,167 meters (3,827 feet).Goa has a coastline of 101 km (63 mi).

Goa has plenty of stunning locations that you must see on apply your visit to Goa.Goa has more than forty estuarine, eight marine and about ninety riverine islands. The total navigable length of Goas rivers is 253 km (157 mi).Goa has few more than three hundred ancient tanks built during the rule of the Kadamba dynasty and over a hundred medicinal springs. Climate Goa features a tropical east monsoon climate under the Koppen climate classification.Our tour packages cover a wide selection of vacations.Goa has a short winter season between mid-December and February. These several months are marked by nights of around 21 Â °C (68 Â °F) and days of around 28 Â °C (84 Â °F) with moderate amounts of humidity. Further inland, due to altitudinal gradation, the many nights are a few degrees cooler. During March 2008 Goa was lashed with heavy rain and strong winds.

A Goa trips cost is based on the rainy season youre travelling.Goa has scheduled international connections to Doha, Dubai, Sharjah and Kuwait in the Middle East and from the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands and Russia during the charter flight tourist season. Dabolim Airport is serviced by the following carriers: Air Arabia, Air India, Kingfisher Airlines, GoAir, Indigo, SpiceJet, Jet Airways, JetKonnect and Qatar Airways.Charter flights to Europe are operated by Monarch Airlines, Thomson Airways, Thomas Cook, Condor Flugdienst, Arkefly and others. Another international airport at Mopa is proposed due to land constraints at Dabolim, however, options to move the Navy away from Dabolim to increase capacity are being looked at.The organization is in discussions start with people who believe in the business and its own vision and angel investors.Goa has four National Highways passing through it. NH-66 (ex NH-17) runs along Indias west coast and links Goa to Mumbai in the north and Mangalore to the south. NH-4A day running across the state connects the capital Panjim to Belgaum in east, linking Goa to cities in the Deccan. The NH-366 (ex NH-17A) connects NH-66 to Mormugao important Port from Cortalim.

Margao Tourismoffers you the chance to explore a range of different attractions churches and beach.Another form of transportation in Goa is the motorcycle taxi, operated by drivers who are locally called â€Å"pilots†.These vehicles transport a single pillion rider, at fares that are usually negotiated. Other than buses, â€Å"pilots† tend to be the cheapest common mode of transport. River crossings in Goa are serviced by flat-bottomed ferry boats, operated by the river navigation department.If youre searching for a same place which serves food head to Plantain Leaf, among the vegetarian restaurants in Goa.Much of the shipments consist of minerals and ores from Goas hinterland. Panjim, which is on the banks of the Mandovi, has a minor port, which used to handle passenger steamers between Goa and Mumbai till the late 1980s. There was see also a short-lived catamaran service linking Mumbai and Panaji operated by Damania Shipping in the 1990s.Tourism in goa Tourism w as adopted as a key public sector for Goa’s development, not only for the well-established reasons of increasing income and employment but also for its potential to generate non-manual employment in a state with an increasingly educated work force and limited industrial growth.

Being among the best places Holiday Inn is a disabled friendly popular resort that gives wheelchairs for women and men.Over 90 percent of domestic tourists and over 99 percent of the international tourists frequent these areas.Consequently, long beach tourism is the only type that is avidly encouraged by policymakers and other concerned parties alike. Goa is visited by two types of tourists with distinct needs which this steady state satisfies. The first is the domestic tourists, who comprise 80 percent of all tourists.Yes, food is a celebration here.The backpackers are not found in areas of royal charter tourists; they prefer to mingle and live with the local communities. Whereas, the charter tourists tend to stay in the luxury starred hotels. Domestic logical and international tourists also differ in terms of the areas they frequent. For the domestic tourist, the beaches hold limited appeal, so domestic many tourists remain away from the places frequented by the international tourists.

It also cannot be cooked in the open.million of whom were from abroad. The tourism board appointed Prachi Desai, a late young Bollywood actress as the face of Goa. Goa has two main tourist seasons: winter and summer. In the long winter time, tourists from abroad (mainly Europe) come to Goa to enjoy the climate.Responsible tourism is what were promoting, states Samarth.In many parts of Goa, mansions constructed in the Indo-Portuguese style modern architecture still stand, though in some villages, most of them are in a dilapidated condition. Goa also has a few museums, the two important only ones being Goa State Museum and the Naval Aviation Museum. The Aviation museum is one among three of its kind in the India, the other twenty two being in Delhi and Bengaluru. Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited (GTDC)Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited (GTDC) was different set up on 30th March, 1982 to look after the commercial activities of the Government in the service indus try of tourism in the state.

Travelling in old Goa is quite easy.The Board of Directors consists of 12 members. The shareholders consist of 7 members, all of whom are Government nominees. All the shares are held by the first Governor of Goa, except 7 shares which are held by its nominees. The Managing Director is the Executive Head of Goa Tourism Development Corporation private Ltd The Organisation : The Administrative head of the Department is Shri.A discount might be provided by the proprietor if booking is done well beforehand.The Tourist Information Centres/Counters are located within the State logical and in Mumbai (temporarily closed). The Zonal Officers are primarily responsible for monitoring the Registration of Tourist Trade under the Tourist Trade Act, 1982. The Director of Tourism: The direct current Director of Tourism is Shri. Nikhil Desai.

Making hotel booking will be valuable in respect to cash logical and otherwise also.Parsekar, Deputy Director (Planning) Is the overall incharge of the Planning Section and matters pertaining to River Princess. Shri. Arvind B. Khutkar (Revenue) Is the overall incharge of the Revenue Section.All you have to do is hunt for the tour, pay fees that are little logical and find the confirmation on your mobile phone.Shri. Jose Roque Gracias Flor, Asstt. Director (Trade) Shri. Rajesh A.

Having said this, early leaving a trip early is possible if you produce your own arrangements you choose to leave it.Ganesh R. Teli, Assistant Planning Officer (Planning) Shri. young Subhash K. Kavlekar, Assistant Planning Officer Shri.Activities of the Department : Policy Formulation. Development of Infrastructure. Goa Tourist Places (Protection and Maintainance) Act, 2001 old Goa Land (Prohibition of Construction) Act, 1995Administration of Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act. It is mandatory for all Hotels, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Tourist Guides, Tourist Taxi Operators and Dealers of notified articles and other persons engaged in tourist activities to register themselves under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, Registration is to be annually renewed.To create & project a customer friendly & professional image. To comply start with quality management systems. To periodically review established quality objectives. To continually improves and enhance effectiven ess of quality management systems.

Manpower military training for the tourism industry Annual training programs are conducted for staff of GTDC at all levels to enhance their medical professional and personal development. Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Grievances to be addressed to the Executive Head i. e.Managing Director of Goa sustainable Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, who exercises all the powers conferred upon him under the Act.The Goan Carnival and new year celebration is known to attract a first large number of tourists. Dance and music Traditional Goan art forms are Dekhnni, Fugdi, Corridinho, Mando, Dulpod and Fado. Goan Hindus are very fond of Natak, devotional Bhajan and Kirtan. Many famous Indian Classical singers hail from Goa, including Kishori Amonkar, Kesarbai Kerkar, Jitendra Abhisheki and Pandit Prabhakar Karekar.Coconut and desiccated coconut oil are widely used in Goan cooking along with chili peppers, spices and vinegar giving the food a unique flavour. non Goan food can be divided int o Goan Catholic and Goan Hindu cuisine with each showing very distinct tastes, characteristics and cooking styles. Pork dishes such as Vindaloo, Xacuti, chorisa and Sorpotel are cooked for major occasions among the Goan Catholics.An exotic Goan vegetable stew, known as Khatkhate, is a very popular dish during the celebrations of festivals, Hindu and Christian alike.The state also has a rich wine culture. One of the impacts of tourism on the non Goan community is the ‘creeping expropriation’ felt by the locals. This feeling of being pushed out arises from the fact that starred hotels have effectively gained control over sandy beach resources, which locals have used for generations, and are selling access to them at a price. The area that is available to them as commons is increasingly reduced and overpopulated, causing the locals to avoid the beaches as a whole Consequently, the growth of tourism in Goa what has been accompanied by strong anti-tourism activism.

Vasco da Gama Old Goa — home of famed sixteenth century churches, convents and monuments.Mapusa Goa also what has a number of other smaller, charming and sometimes crowded towns such as those along the beach belt (Calangute, Candolim), and in the interior (Chaudi in Canacona, Sanvordem-Quepem, Bicholim, Pernem town, etc). Some of these are gateways to the nearby touristic areas. In addition, Goa has some nearly 350 villages, often scenic and each having a character of its own.Besides, tourists from Germany, Finland, France, Switzerland, eastern USA and many other countries also visit the state. The domestic tourist comes from all over India, as Goa is a very popular tourist’s destination.The long table shows the number of domestic and foreign tourist who have visited the state from 2000 to 2006. Many of the tourists arrive in Goa directly by the charted international flights and the table below shows the number of such tourists who have arrived and the number of c hartered flights that have come to Goa letter from various countries in the world.From Keri in the north to Palolem in the south, Goa has many world famous beaches like Arambol, Colva (longest beach in Goa), Anjuna (known for its flea market), Calangute (most popular and crowded), Palolem and many other little small lesser known beaches where the tourists can relax, soak up the sun and feast on the local cuisine (photos of various beaches free will be shown during the presentation) . Adventure Tourism: It has recently become very popular in India. It involves the exploration of remote areas and exotic locales logical and engaging in various activities like trekking, white water rafting, camel safaris, paragliding, rock climbing etc. Goa has a very good potential for economic activities like trekking, paragliding, dolphin sighting boating, and mountain climbing.Almost 60% of the Goan area is protected area. Around 1. 25 lakhs tourist visit these sanctuaries every year. Goa has a vari ety of flora and fauna which could be used to attract tourists to these places.

Foreigners from many developed countries prefer to come to Goa for a variety of treatment ranging from dental surgery, hearing problems, knee replacements to even heart surgery. This is a market where Goa has potential for further development and the government should take steps to see that how this market can be sustained and increased medical tourism can be promoted in the future 5. Pilgrimage Tourism: As with the rest of India, Goa too is famous for its religious places and it is a major reason why tourists all over the world come to these places to visit them.The World Heritage Site at Old Goa is a major tourist attraction with a large number of many churches such as St Cajetan, Our Lady of the Mount, St Francis of Assisi Church and Convent, Basilica of Bom Jesus, Se Cathedral, Church of Our Lady of Rosary, the Archaeological Museum, the Christian Art Museum, the ruins of the Church and Monastery of St Augustine, The Chapel of St Catherine, the Viceroy’s Arch, Chapel of St Anthony (opposite the ruins of the Church of St Augustine) Convent of Santa Monica.Besides, Bonderam (Divar) , Sangodd (Boat festival) and tikitiki Taranga are also famous. Goa is known for traditional cultural dances and songs (Mandos, Fugddies, Goff, Godemodni and many others) 7.Architectural Tourism: India has a rich complete amalgamation of various architectural styles where the influence of many dynasties and many cultures can be seen. Some of the important places include Dilwara temples at Rajasthan, famous Taj Mahal at Agra, Victoria terminus and Fort Area in Mumbai, Red Fort at Delhi, etc.The hinterlands of Goa, far from the noise of the city, are perfect for yoga and meditations. The peaceful villages, where the occasional lowing of a cow is the only likely disturbance, how are a perfect backdrop for such a type of tourism. Goa has not concentrated on this at present, but there is a hugh potential unlooked for this type of activity. 9.Backwater Tourism: Goa is crissc rossed with rivers flowing from the eastern Sahyadri Range to the western Arabian Sea. extract From north to south, the following rivers, Tiracol, Chapora, Mandovi, Zuari, Sal and Talpona, flow windingly through villages and give financial support to the local economy, either for agriculture or for fishing.Sight seeing can be done from the water instead of the road. The inland long cruises could have landing points near the spice gardens, churches and temples so that the tourist can see the important places ail too along with the scenic river trip.

The microlevel impact of tourism on the destination area immediately around it has been relatively less studied, if at all. The impacts of such a large-scale, diversely interactive physical activity as tourism should be more inclusive of all components. Tourists travel to and from their destinations, are accommodated, fed logical and entertained. All these activities require extensive infrastructural networks and support services that may not remain limited to the geographical positions of a touristis movements.Improving environmental management and planning. 3. Increasing the environmental awareness. 4.For the purpose of this discussion, coastal waters, bays, backwaters, creeks, tidal inlets, and estuaries are considered as components of the marine part of the coastal zone. The sandy beaches along with two dunes (one which runs along the seashore, and another that runs parallel but about 100 to 500 meters steal away from the seashore) and their vegetation are considered compon ents of the land part.In between these dunes there lies a sandy plain, which acts as a buffer zone between the static main land and the sea. The following impacts on the marine part of the coastal zone have been observed while surveying the ecosensitive coastal areas of Goa.†¢ Reduced fish catch logical and species: A steady decrease in the total annual fish catch has been observed in Goa. The catch has declined from 105. 44 thousand pure tones in 1993-94 to 101. 90 in 1994-95 and in 1995-96, to 87.

b) Loss of spawning grounds: Reasons for this could be mangrove deforestation, land reclamations and siltation. Short-term economic gains from the development of these areas is obviously preferred over the long-term benefits of the conservation of ecology. c) Introduction of anthropogenic material: Any disturbance at any step in the marine food web may inadvertently affect other species. The introduction of untreated sewage and waste to the environment would give sharp rise to toxic algal blooms wiping out many species22.Prime examples are Campal and Caranzalem near Panaji, Palolem, Agonda and many other places, where a considerable amount of construction activities have occurred . 2. Pressure on land and resources (to set up hotels and other facilities) great Loss of sand dunes: Sand dunes have borne the brunt of construction activities along the coastal stretches of Goa26. Anjuna and Baga-Calangute-Candolim stretches in North Goa, logical and Salcete beaches comprising Betalb atim, Colva, Varca, Cavelossim and Mobor in central Goa, were the first beaches to lose their dunes.Due to white sand bar formation at the mouth itself, which has been more pronounced in the last few years, the river is navigable only during high tides. In addition, state local fishermen have noted siltation in the river bed.All these observations suggest disturbances in the natural sediment load dispersion patterns in the River Talpona. 4.Both the last mentioned problems could be solved through improved enforcement of regulations and infrastructual improvements. Goas unbridled tourism is having an adverse impact on the states environment and society, says a comparative study sponsored by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Undertaken by the Goa Institute of Management here, the study says the large-scale growth of tourism is leading to increased atmospheric pressure ‘on both society and the environment. Preserving the national heritage and reducing environmental degra dation have become crucial issues for concern.

Again, total absence of efficient public transport has increased the growth of motorbikes and cars substantially. This in turn has aggravated environmental pollution. ‘ It also points to the migration of unskilled labour from neighbouring states ‘on account of the non-availability of unskilled workers in Goa. Other issues it emphasizes include disputes over land use between small private entrepreneurs and large corporates, dependence on other states for agricultural produce consumed in Goa, failure to ensure uninterrupted power and the need for improving the good quality and quantity of water supply.Growth of tourism might have also adversely affected the poor and downtrodden, especially during peak season when prices usually go up. A proper accurate assessment needs to be done, the study states. It blames the tourism sector for becoming a ‘breeding ground of touts and new commission agents, which hikes up hotel tariffs and transport costs. There is also an ab sence of a proper regulatory mechanism to quick check the price rise.It is estimated that tourism contributes to around 13. 7 percent of Net State Domestic Product; 7 percent of employment and 7 percent to state tax revenues.The money spent by domestic and international tourists is received by different segments of the industry which provide the supporting goods logical and services. Tourist receipts can be classified into five categories: accommodation and food, shopping, internal travel, entertainment and miscellaneous items.Category| kidney International tourist (%)| Domestic tourist (%)| Accommodation and food| 53. 95| 58. 20| Shopping| 24. 84| 26.

80| Miscellaneous expenses| 4. 97| 2. 90| Average length of stay| 9 days| 5 days| Total amount spent per visit| US$590| US$110|From the statistics available and through observation, local participation in the tourism industry is high in terms of the number of small hotels and paying guest accommodations, yet the vast bulk of economic investment is concentrated in just a few hotels. Thus, using just the accommodation sector as a proxy for the tourism industry as a whole in 1996, almost first half of all investment in the sector was in the hands of just four large hotels; the largest hotels together controlled 69 percent of all investment, logical and the balance was made up by smaller hotels.Often large tourism development projects require the displacement of some of the original inhabitants of the area. Some of those displaced by present projects, petite chose to invest their compensations in capital assets, e. g. , taxis, and have become to a degree upwardly mobile in an econo mic sense.Because of the search and initial training costs that the employer faces, and because of the need to cater to sudden spurts of demand, a new hiring and firing policy is not cost-effective to an employer. The first reaction of employers is to keep labor, but reduce the work hours, a situation akin to holding inventories of labor in excess of demand.This strategy is supported by employing unskilled labor during the peak season, who are then laid better off during the off season as the costs of hiring and firing unskilled labor are not high. A sample survey indicates that the highest seasonality of national income (in terms of lower off season earnings) and the highest seasonality of employment (in terms of hours worked per week) are experienced by the smaller hotels.The american tourist season in Goa this time, beginning from October, is expected to be better as â€Å"the value of rupee is falling,† Travel logical and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) president Fracis co de Braganca said. Europeans find Goa a cheaper destination and naturally they will fly here,† he said, adding that, however, the situation is not same for the UK travellers, whose own economy is in crisis. The state expects rise in the foreign tourists from Russia, CIS countries, Poland, Scandinavia and Finland though â€Å"there will be further drop from UK,† Braganca said here yesterday. But, overall TTAG expects a rise in the number of tourists owing to the sluggish rupee versus dollar.

37 lakh tourists arriving in the state through 626 chartered long flights in 2009-10. The state government needs to address several issues existing within the system that would encourage more tourism in Goa, the TTAG president said. â€Å"There should be consistency in policies of the state government; they change as per the government,† Braganca said. Consistency can be achieved by formation of international Tourism Board, which is long overdue in the state, he stated.Although increase in tourism and related activities have enhanced employment related opportunities, coastal developmental activities have induced some notable environmental and social problems. The impact gets worsen as a result of related anthropogenic activities that follows such a coastal tourism as a result Goas coastal scenario is fast changing. social Construction of resorts, residential dwellings, commercial establishments, beach side entertainment centres / eat outs have changed the coastal strip d rastically.Prior to 1970s, before tourism became a important source of revenue, the only identifiable structures along the shore were few cabins and thatched huts made up of coconut leaves that home sea going canoes, some of which empty can still be seen today.Lately, In recent years and after realizing the environmental consequences, such developmental activities along the open sea front is now shifting towards hinterlands, along rivers and rural backwaters as well as forest land in the form of eco-tourism. -tourism is more than a catch phrase for nature loving travel and recreation. Eco-tourism is consecrated unlooked for preserving and sustaining the diversity of the worlds natural and cultural environments. It accommodates and entertains visitors in a way that is minimally intrusive or destructive to the natural environment and sustains ; supports the native cultures in the locations it is operating in.Saving the environment around you and preserving the natural luxuries and for est life, thats what eco-tourism is all about.Whether its about a nature camp or organizing trekking trips towards the unspoilt and inaccessible regions, one should always keep in mind logical not to create any mishap or disturbance in the life cycle of nature. Eco-tourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth logical and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage how are the primary attractions.

Many professionals have been involved in formulating and developing eco-tourism policies. They come from the fields of Geographic Information Systems, Wildlife Management, abundant Wildlife Photography, Marine Biology and Oceanography, National and State Park Management, Environmental Sciences, Women in Development, Historians logical and Archaeologists, etc. Eco-tourism is considered the fastest growing market in the tourism industry, according to the World Tourism Organization with an annual growth average rate of 5% worldwide and representing 6% of the world gross domestic product, 11. % of all consumer spending – not a market to be taken lightly.The oceans how are not behind in any manner as well. The vast and deep expanse of water provide tremendous opportunity for adventure sports in form of diving and snorkelling. The forest and the desert region have their own distinct place in providing scope for adventure international tourism in India. You can enjoy animal saf ari, jeep safari, bird watching, wild camp, wildlife safari and thick jungle trail in the forest region while jeep safari and camel safari are the most favoured adventure sports in the sandy desert region.Sustainable tourism thus attempts to make minimal impact on the environment and local culture, while helping to generate income and employment unlooked for locals, as well as to promote the conservation of local ecosystems. It is responsible tourism which is both ecologically and culturally sensitive.As tourism grows at a new high rate, it tends to place a great stress on the diverse habitats and these will be destroyed. Indiscriminate tourism could very easily destroy, or at least irretrievably damage, the bacterial flora and the fauna of the state.The stake holders in sustainable tourism i. e.Community-based management, nongovernmental organizations, tourists and locals all should be trained to see that the fragile Goan ecosystem does not suffer as a result of excessive tourism. Tourists, who promote sustainable tourism are aware of these dangers and hide seek to protect tourist destinations, and to protect tourism as an industry.