Tuesday, April 7, 2020

My daughter Hailey free essay sample

The fetal stage, also known as prenatal development, is a stage of life that so uch can occur. Humans begin life as a single cell. There are multiple stages that have to happen in order to become a human. The first stage is known as the Germinal Stage. The Germinal Stage is from the conception to implantation which is from O to 2 weeks. This is the period when cell division occurs, the zygote reaches the uterus and begins to implant on the uterine wall. The process of implantation can take up to a week. Our next stage is the Embryonic Stage. This stage is from implantation till the end of the first two months. Some of the things that occur in this tage are, vital organs and bodily systems begin to develop from the embryonic disk. The nervous system, sensory organs, hair, outer skin, digestive and respiratory systems, liver and pancreas, bones, and muscles are all beginning to develop. We will write a custom essay sample on My daughter Hailey or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At 7 weeks genetic activity on the Y chromosome causes testes to differtiate, meaning if there is no Y chromosome then ovaries will differentiate. Stage 3 is the fetal stage, which is from the third month until birth. There is so much that happens during this time. By the end of the second trimester I felt fetal movement, the eyes begin pening and closing, thumb sucking, and the pattern of sleep begins. By the end of the third trimester, the fetus typically weighing 6-71bs and around 20in long. The survival rate increases to 90% by the end of the 7 month of pregnancy. The exact moment of birth occurs when the fetus passes through the vagina and emerges from the mothers body. Pregnancy is a beautiful and amazing thing. Women undergo so many different symptoms and emotions. There are so many risk factors out there that its almost impossible to not worry. Its very crucial to maintain a well-balanced diet and to take he recommended vitamins. Some risks from not following these precautions are maternal malnutrition, which can lead to low birth weight, pre-maturity, retardation of the brain which can affect physical, cognitive, motor, and behavioral development problems. The risks of being too slender can cause low birth weight, and the risks of being too obese can cause stillbirth and neural tube defects. The expected weight gain is between 25-35 pounds. Typically gaining 1/21b per week during the first half, and 11b per week the second half. Drug use during pregnancy can also cause so many problems. From antibiotics, heroin, marijuana, caffeine, cigarettes, ect. All of those drugs can potentially cause birth defects and problems for the child. Some same. Some common things that occur are morning sickness, mood swings, stress, Braxton Hicks, swelling of legs and feet, gestational diabetes, and many more. Some of the issues I faced when carrying Hailey was morning sickness and pre-term labor. I was in the hospital four times for pre-term contractions, in which they had to stop the labor. Luckily, they were able to keep Hailey inside and I carried her full term until 39 weeks. The neonatal stage, the first 4 weeks of life. On August 13, 2011 at 10:47 am my daughter Hailey was born. This day I will never forget. Hailey was delivered vaginally and immediately birth had to be taken to get medical attention. When my water broke there was meconium inside. Meconium is a dark green substance which is forming of the infants first feces. The NICIJ doctor had to come in and examine her to make sure she didnt inhale or swallow any of the meconium, which can be extremely dangerous for newborns. After a few minutes and a quick clean off, they reported that she was okay. They finally handed her to me, and checked her Apgar scores. The Apgar score is based on five of health, appearance, pulse, grimace, activity level, and reparatory effort. Hailey scored a 9, which means there is no danger. Babies who score under a 4 indicates critical condition. The first few hours after birth Hailey and I shared some bonding time, where she was rested against my chest. Some develop mentalists believe that bonding will impact the long-term relationship. Later that evening the doctor came in and told us that she was pretty certain Hailey had newborn Jaundice. Newborn Jaundice, is when the babys blood contains an excess of ilirubin, a yellow-colored pigment of red blood cells. Its a common condition, and typically doesnt require any treatment, but for Hailey it did. Unfortunately we had a blood incompatibility which caused the Jaundice, so she had to spend a week in the hospital under the bilirubin lights. A week later we were finally able to bring Hailey home. The first night at home was a big change for everybody. Hailey was experiencing a whole new world aside from the womb. Since Hailey had to spend the first week of life in the hospital, 4 of which she had to be without us at night, we tried to make things as comfortable as possible. We spent most of the day and night holding and rocking her. She slept around 18 hours a day, which is typical for a newborn. As the weeks went on some of the physical development I noticed with Hailey was that she kept her hands clenched at her firsts, her eyes werent very coordinated yet, and she had established all the basic refluxes needed. Some of the cognitive development I noticed was she was always trying to look at her hands and fingers, trying to fgure out what they were. She loved hearing my voice, singing to her and talking to her gently, and whenever I put a toy close to her face and moved it very lowly she would gaze at it in amazement. Most of Haileys communication was through crying and occasionally other noises. Overall, the first month at home went fantastic. Hailey was formula fed and did very well with the bottle and developing a pattern of her nights and days. Between 1-4 months old Hailey started doing new things, which seemed like it occurred every day.

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